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6 Types of Auctions and What They’re Best For

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Most people know the basics of an auction: an item is up for sale, people place bids, and the highest bidder wins. But what few people realize is that there are lots of different ways to approach this process. Sellers can set reserve prices, set minimum opening bids, and even turn down the highest bid if they want. It all depends on what type of auction you use.

To help you understand all the options you have with auctions, we’ll discuss six different types of auction and who they’re typically best suited for.

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Steps to Sell Inherited Property and the Professionals Who Can Help

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When a loved one passes away, there’s a lot of details that need to be handled. Reading the will, settling accounts, and transferring ownership of assets often takes months to finish. But once it’s all said and done, you might end up owning a new piece of real estate. You could choose to live there or rent it out, or you could decide to sell it.

Selling inherited property is a little different from the traditional process of selling your house, namely because there are often other parties involved. If you’ve recently inherited estate property and would like to sell, there are a few steps you’ll have to take.

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How Sibling Inheritance Laws Can Affect Selling an Estate


When a parent passes away, there’s a lot to figure out. You have to make funeral arrangements, find out if they had an estate plan, and work through the legalities of settling an estate. And unless you’re an only child, you’ll have to navigate this entire process with your siblings. You’ll have to determine which parts of the estate belong to your brothers and sisters and which belong to you.

To help with determining how assets are distributed, there are laws regarding sibling inheritance. Their purpose is to protect what’s rightfully yours through the succession of the estate while also preserving the rights of your siblings. In this article, we’ll talk about a few scenarios where sibling inheritance laws might affect how you settle a family member’s estate.

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