Raising Funds to Make a Difference

Fundraising events play a vital role in supporting non-profit organizations, and the success of these events can make a significant difference in their ability to fulfill their missions. Did you know that Wiregrass Auction Group, in addition to the countless real estate and personal property auctions, consults numerous non-profit organizations throughout the year, leveraging their expertise to maximize the effectiveness of fundraising efforts? In this blog, we will explore how this collaboration can make a substantial impact on the success of non-profit organizations.
When Does All the Bidding Take Place?

At Wiregrass Auction Group, Inc., we believe in transparency and fairness. Our auctions are typically open for approximately two weeks, giving buyers ample time to browse, research, and decide on the items they want to bid on. During this period, you can explore the listings, ask questions, and make informed decisions.
However, here's the reality: much of the action doesn't occur during these two weeks. Instead, the real excitement begins as the items near their closing time. It's an integral part of online auctions and offers a unique thrill that mimics the excitement of a live traditional auction
How Long is the Auction Process for Real Estate – From Listing to Auction Day

When it comes to selling real estate, the traditional route of listing a property on the market can sometimes be unpredictable and lengthy. For sellers seeking a faster, more streamlined process, an online-only real estate auction can be a game-changer. At Wiregrass Auction Group, we understand the importance of timing in the auction process. In this blog, we'll provide potential sellers with insights into the timing of an online-only real estate auction and why a slightly longer duration on the market can be advantageous, even in a hot real estate market.